• 1. Payment Policy
    To ensure your team League &/or Tournament spot, a non-refundable Bank ETransfer or a PayPal payment must be made. Remember to provide your email address and contact number, as well as, an email address and cell number of at least one other teammate when securing your team spot. Payment for a particular League / Tournament does not guarantee your registration for the ‘next’ League session or upcoming Tournament.
  • 2. What is S2?
    S2 commonly referred to as Swingers 2 was developed by TFC Volleyball in 2019 so 2 individuals of any gender could form a team to compete in a grass tournament on a womens height net. S2 teams can be comprised of R2 (a male & a female playing reverse rules), W2 (2 females, must keep service rotation) or Reverse M2 (2 males, but they can only hit behind the 3 metre attack line, the male can only block a male hit). Each format has its advantages depending on the strength(s) of each player.
  • 3. Description for TFC Family Duo Tournament?
    TFC Family Duo tournament is currently running in R2 format. Each team consists of one adult and one youth who are relatives. The adult must be at minimum 35 years old, and the other player must be youth between the age of 12 and 16 years. Pair up with your favourite family member like father-daughter, mother-son, aunt-nephew, or uncle-niece, and join this family to family battles.
  • 4. Net Set-Up / Takedown
    Our League / Tournament Coordinators will set-up the necessary equipment and ensure the surrounding area is safe for play. Of course no assistance from you will be turned away and is appreciated. It is the responsibility of every losing team, after their last match, to takedown and return / store the equipment properly away. We would appreciate if you could point out any defective equipment to the League / Tournament Coordinator.
  • 5. Sub Players for Play-Offs
    An individual is only eligible to participate in League Play-Offs if they have subbed for the ‘same’ team at least one previous week. An individual is only eligible to participate in Tournament Play-Offs if they have subbed for ‘only’ one team, in at least one full game, in the round robin.
  • 6. Sub Players for Grass Tourneys
    No subs are permitted in the R2 & S2 formats. This defeats the purpose of entering a daily tournament.
    With pre-approval, a sub may be permitted in the R4 format. No more than one female & male sub per team & those individuals can not play for more than one team.
  • 7. Supplying Volleyballs
    A bona-fide piece of primary identification or vehicle key is required to secure an indoor or outdoor volleyball for League or Tournament play.
  • 8. Banning a Player
    An individual shall be banned from competing in a League &/or Tournament for a session, event or entire calendar year if they are abusive or use foul language towards a Coordinator(s). We welcome calm, logical 2-way and constructive discussion.
  • 9. R4 Rule Clarification – League & Tournament Play
    TFC Volleyball created the R4 format in 1994 and is played with 2 men and 2 women on the court with a 3 metre line. R4 has been adopted by various volleyball entities throughout the Pacific Northwest and continues to grow in popularity.GRASS: If a team fields 3 players for the Thursday Grass R4 League they ‘must’ play with the Ghost Rule. The Ghost Rule applies to tournament play too. A Reverse Doubles (R2) grass league team ‘must’ field a team with 2 players of the opposite sex.INDOOR: If a league or tournament R4 team suffers an injury, the Ghost Rule shall apply and when it’s time for the Ghost to serve the remaining same sex person ‘must’ do so. The above 2 rulings will provide TFC Volleyball, teams & their opponents consistency, competitiveness and fair play taking into account the difference in playing surface.
  • 10. Grass League – Rainout Policy
    A Grass League ‘rainout’ will be posted on the HOME page (left sidebar) of the website www.TFCVolleyball.com, as well as, the TFC Player FaceBook Information Page at 4:30pm. It takes at least one calendar day for approval to join our FaceBook page. ‘If’ incremental weather persists, the on-site Field Coordinator (in consultation with the League Director) may make a play or cancel decision at 6pm. Once play starts, the night is counted as a played week.If the league is cancelled for the night, we appreciate your assistance in bringing in the (full) net system.
  • 11. Marijuana Use
    Indoor & outdoor TFC Volleyball staff are prohibited from using marijuana in any form 24 hours prior to a work shift.TFC Volleyball participants shall refrain from using marijuana in any form at any indoor or outdoor event. Event Coordinators have the authority to immediately eject marijuana users upon discovery & not provide a refund.
  • 12. Cancellation Policy
    You receive a 100% refund if you cancel your league/tournament team one month before the event date. If you cancel less than a month before the event date you will be assessed a 25% administrative fee on your registration cost.


TFC Player Information Facebook Group

Join Rex Go – TFC Player Information Facebook Group to hear about Grass League Rainouts, our annual Indoor/Grass tournaments, registration info, league/tourney rules, TFC news, and more. [ CLICK HERE ]


Join Our Team

1. INDOOR LEAGUE COORDINATOR – Monday Tier 1/2 Womens 4’s @ Bonsor Recreation Complex, Burnaby from 7:15 – 10:30pm. Generally, 7 weeks of play per league.

If you are interested in being a part of our team, please contact us at info@tfcvolleyball.com for details.